Steve Travels to Kherson and Yalta in Ukraine
to Meet Marina Chedakina for the First Time
April and May, 2002
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Here's the conference hall where Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin had their famous peace conference.
They still use it today for major government conferences.
It took a LOT of wealth to build this - and the other - Romanoff castles.


Here's a view out the balcony window.


Here's an unusual clock in one of the rooms.


There are many, many rooms iin this castle. Next we go outside. We walk by two more castles that are right next to this one - one for the "Cheif of Staff" for the Romanoff's, who arranged all their meetings, etc., and then a visitors castle. We walk behind the visitor's castle on a path to the gardens.

Here's Marina with part of the visitors castle visible above.


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